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Girl Running in Field at Sunset

                  Church of God Women's Ministry


The Church of God Women's Ministry meets at the church the second Tuesday of each month. Our meetings consist of prayer, fellowship, a Bible lesson, and, of course, a snack! The CGWM is a group of women from college graduates to Social Security recipients who meet to discuss ways we can grow in our faith, serve the church, and encourage each other along the way. 


We also collect money throughout the year in the form of a thank offering. These donations are then sent out to multiple missions that are chosen by the Church of God denomination. Recent missions we've helped with are the India School for Girls, the Venezuela Bible School, the Physical Therapy School in Haiti. Monies are also put towards Women's Leadership Development programs to train up leaders within our groups and the Church of God itself. We also seek out missions in our own community and church to serve, help, and share God's love with those around us. 


Women play such a vital role in our church family and are such an important part of our church's ministry. If you would like to get to know the ladies of our church better and be a part of the GCWM, we would love to have you join us!

Romans 15: 5-6

Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus: that ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ

Contact Information

Julie Lewis

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