Our Caring
Our Partnership
Our church is pleased to be Keystone Family Alliance's first official Church Partner in Armstrong County. KFA is an organization that aims to educate, motivate, and equip every Christian in PA to help support orphans and vulnerable children/families.
What is Gateway?
Gateway is an online portal where a caseworker or the Armstrong County Coordinator can post needs that families may have. Our church is signed up to receive these notices and works to meet whatever ones we can.
What It Means
Keystone Family Alliance has equipped our church to help serve families in multiple ways. Our two primary focuses currently are:
Care Communities
What is a Care Community?
A Care Community is a volunteer team that supports a family in a difficult or unique situation. We are working on building our first care community now!
How You Can Help
If you would like to get involved in supporting foster, adoptive, kinship, and vulnerable biological families in our area, you can find our contact info below. If you are or you know of a family that could use our help, please us the contact details provided as well.
How to Give
The church provides financial support to Keystone Family Alliance. If you would like to give personally, you can do so here:
Keystone Family Alliance's Armstrong County Coordinator
Maggie Lewis-Smith
email: maggie@keyfam.org
phone: 724 - 814 - 6539
Adrian Community Church of God FAM Advocates
Julie Lewis and Dawn Ruble Spangler
email: outreachadriancog@gmail.com
phone: 724 - 664 - 0031 (Julie), 724 - 954 - 0346 (Dawn)
For more information about Keystone Family Alliance, you can visit keyfam.org